PS. LSI now has virtual lab inspections, safety program evaluations, document reviews, plus courses and seminars ... all virtual
James A. Kaufman, PhD
Founder/President Emeritus
Laboratory Safety Institute (LSI)
A Nonprofit Educational Organization for Safety in Science, Industry, and Education
Worcester Street, Natick, MA 01760-2252
(O) 508-647-1900 (F) 508-647-0062 (C) 508-574-6264 Skype: labsafe; 508-401-7406
jkaufman**At_Symbol_Here** Teach, Learn, and Practice Science Safely
Dear Reader,--- For more information about the DCHAS-L e-mail list, contact the Divisional membership chair at membership**At_Symbol_Here** Follow us on Twitter **At_Symbol_Here**acsdchasI am Jonathan Dannatt. I am a fairly new assistant professor at a primarily undergraduate institution, University of Dallas and was hoping you could guide me and our department a bit.
We are currently re-writing our chemical hygiene plan and came across a dilemma. We are unsure if there are laws or ACS guidance surrounding undergraduate research students to perform simple, PI approved tasks in the lab while the PI is not present. For example, if on a Saturday a water bath needs to be filled or a reflux needs to be stopped, are there laws or safety regulations prohibiting a pair of students coming into the lab and completing this task? Is there any specific ACS guidance in this area?
Again thank you for any advice or assistance you can provide.
Best regards,
Jonathan Dannatt, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Dallas
O: (972) 721-5065
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