Our search engine supports a number of different methods for performing searches:
Simply describe the information that you want. For example, "Lab coats."
Ask a question that you want answered. For example, "What is a cannula transfer?"
List important keywords relevant to your search topic. For example, "OSHA Right to Know"
Refine a keyword search using boolean operators.
& AND Finds only documents containing all of the specific words or phrases. For example, "OSHA & EPA" finds documents with both the word "OSHA" and the word "EPA". | OR Finds documents containing at least one of the specified words or phrases. For example, "OSHA | EPA" finds documents containing either "OSHA" or "EPA". The found documents could contain both, but do not have to. ! AND NOT Excludes documents containing the specific word or phrase. For example, "OSHA ! EPA" finds documents containing "OSHA" but not containing "EPA". As with the & and | operators, ! must appear between two terms. [ ] Grouping Used to group portions of boolean queries together for more complicated queries. For example, "MSDS & [suggested | required] ! OSHA" finds documents containing "MSDS" and either "suggested" or "required but not "OSHA".
After you perform an initial search, every matching document description will contain a "More like this" link that allows you to automatically search for similar documents (if they exist).