Your question is interesting and makes me realize that the situation is
present here in some departments. Unfortunately (shame on me...), it
never came to mind that it might be a problem when using flammable
materials in the labs. I will take some time to work on that in the
On the other hand, we've been imposing girls to wear sport hidjab
( ) whenever
they have to work with a machine where there is a possibility that the
hijab might get stuck and attract by a mechanical part; which is frequent
Hope this help!
Carole Savoie, Ph.D. chimie | Conseille`re principale en sante´ et se´curite´ Avez-vous re´ellement besoin d'imprimer ce courriel? Pensons a` MISE EN GARDE CONCERNANT LA CONFIDENTIALITE´ Hello Everyone, The wearing of synthetic hijabs in labs is a growing concern in my dept We recently had a fire in our organic lab and had a student who should So, I am looking to others to determine how you address this issue. We I appreciate any and all input you may have, especially if you are one Thank you,
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-----Message d'origine-----
De : Wilhelm, Monique [mailto:mwilhelm**At_Symbol_Here**UMFLINT.EDU]
Envoye´ : 8 de´cembre 2015 09:56
Objet : [DCHAS-L] Synthetic Hijabs in Labs
and we want to be sure to address the issue in a culturally sensitive
manner. However, none of us is Muslim and so we are seeking input. We
ask students not to wear synthetic clothing to lab. Some still do and we
don't really have a means to monitor and aren't very concerned because we
require a lab coat with at least 35% cotton that happens to cover the
clothing in case of a spill or fire. But, the lab coat does not cover any
head covering.
have been right near the fire who was wearing a synthetic hijab that day.
She immediately realized how devastating it would have been had she been
at her hood when her partner's materials caught fire. And, we all agree.
don't want to suggest in any way that they don't wear a hijab (they have
enough pressures from society in this regard as of late)....just that they
wear a cotton one or if there is something available to cover it like the
lab coat covers the shirts.
with experience wearing a hijab in a lab setting.
Monique Wilhelm
Laboratory Supervisor/Adjunct Lecturer/Chem Club Co-Advisor Department of
Chemistry & Biochemistry University of Michigan-Flint Flint, MI 48502