I include the regulatory citation to the employee record - as well as on the group sign-in sheet, so they match up for auditing purposes - so we're clear on exactly what requirement we're addressing.
For example:
CCR Title 8 =A75193, 11; Bloodborne Pathogens
CCR Title 8 =A75199; Aerosolized Transmissible Diseases
CCR Title 8 =A75110; Repetitive Motion Injury
CCR Title 8 =A75191(f)(1); Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories
I also include the total time spent in a particular training session, because some people need to record the numbers of hours spent in training so they can get credit for other professional credentials when it's
time to for them to re-certify.
Eric Clark, MS, CHMM, CCHO
Safety Officer, Public Health Scientist III
Los Angeles County Public Health Laboratory
What is the correct way to document safety training per cal/osha regulation? Here is how we format our training document:
Instructor name:
Course Title:
Employee Name:
Employee signature:
Am I missing anything else? Is there a standard format that we have to follow?