DCHAS Members,
The call for ACS Fellow Nominations is out. As a division, we will pass through a maximum of 4 nominations. If you have a suggestion for a nomination and are willing to participate in developing the nominations package for that person, please, send a PRIVATE email to me directly at jeskiekb**At_Symbol_Here**ornl.gov by March 9th with the name of the person and a couple of sentences on why you think the Division should nominate him or her. I’ll ask some members of the Executive Committee to screen these pre-nominations. We’ll down-select from there and set a deadline for the final nominations packet(s) to be ready for submission. AGAIN, DO NOT HIT THE REPLY BUTTON ON THIS EMAIL TO PROVIDE YOUR PRE-NOMINATION. That would send your response to the entire CHAS membership, not to me.
Kimberly Begley Jeskie, MPH-OSHM
Operations Manager
Physical Sciences Directorate
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Office: (865) 574-4945
Cell: (865) 919-4134 - Note that this is a new number
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