Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 18:04:48 -0500
Reply-To: Todd Perkins <p3wt3r**At_Symbol_Here**>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Todd Perkins <p3wt3r**At_Symbol_Here**CHARTER.NET>
Subject: Re: 4% hydrogen mixture
In-Reply-To: <A4BDFFCAC336824B8501F8FA6E1DA2D4AC51F65446**At_Symbol_Here**>

Do you mean test the mixture for flammability per CGA publication P-23?  My understanding is that the data is based on experimental observation
 as well as calculation. I've never had reason to question the data. Have
 you observed something different?

Todd Perkins
Regional Safet Director
Airgas Mid America


- Sent from my mobile phone
On Sep 22, 2011 11:41 AM, Jeskie, Kimberly B. <jeskiekb**At_Symbol_Here**ORNL.GOV> wro

Has anyone actually tested a 4% hydrogen/ 96% argon mixture using ASTM E-68
1, as opposed to just taking the P-23 data or the Bureau of Mines Bulletin
 503-1952 at face value? Kim Kimberly Begley Jeskie, MPH-OSHMOper
ations ManagerPhysical Sciences DirectorateOak Ridge National Laboratory(86
5) 574-4945

Do you mean test the mixture for flammability per CGA publication P-23?  My understanding is that the data is based on experimental observation as well as calculation. I've never had reason to question the data. Have you observed something different?

Todd Perkins
Regional Safet Director
Airgas Mid America

- Sent from my mobile phone

On Sep 22, 2011 11:41 AM, Jeskie, Kimberly B. <jeskiekb**At_Symbol_Here**ORNL.GOV> ; wrote:

Has any one actually tested a 4% hydrogen/ 96% argon mixture using ASTM E-681, as opposed to just taking the P-23 data or the Bureau of Mines Bulletin 503-1 952 at face value?


Kimberly Begley Jeskie, MPH-O SHM

Operations Manager

Physical Sciences Directorate

Oak Ridge Nat ional Laboratory

(865) 574-4945

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