Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 21:07:31 -0700
Reply-To: DAVID KATZ <dakatz45**At_Symbol_Here**MSN.COM>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: DAVID KATZ <dakatz45**At_Symbol_Here**MSN.COM>
Subject: Re: FW: Experimental cook blows hands off trying molecular
Comments: To: "Debbie M. Decker" <dmdecker**At_Symbol_Here**UCDAVIS.EDU>
In-Reply-To: <48A020E1942E024DB0F2A6B68A1312440773A457A5**At_Symbol_Here**>

About once every two months, someone contacts me about obtaining liquid nitrogen to make ice cream.  After a lengthly reply explaining the hazards of using liquid nitrogen and the need for proper equipment (Dewar flask, cryogenic gloves, etc.), the individuals usually do not pursue the experiment.  I never allow anyone to assist me unless I give them some proper training.
I know about molecular gastronomy and it is fascinating.  However, liquid nitrogen should never be used unless the individual using it has proper training.
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  David A. Katz             
  Chemist, Educator, Expert Demonstrator, Science Communicator, and Consultant  
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----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
----- Original Message -----
From: Debbie M. Decker
To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 8:18 AM
Subject: [DCHAS-L] FW: Experimental cook blows hands off trying molecular gastronomy

Excuse the cross-postings:

This tidbit is from our food safety officer.  From this piece, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to me.  I did a bit of digging - here's a wiki entry on the concept:  But no more information about this incident than below.

Have any of you heard of this?  Do any of you might have some insight on how this incident might have occurred?  We have a large and active Food Science department and they're always coming up with new ways to produce food.  We would like to be able to head them off from something dangerous before we have a similar incident.

Thanks for your speculation and input.



Debbie M. Decker, Campus Chemical Safety Officer
Environmental Health and Safety
University of California, Davis
1 Shields Ave.
Davis, CA  95616
(530)754-7964/(530)752- 4527 (FAX)
Co-Conspirator to Make the World A
Better Place
-- Visit and join the conspiracy

From: Susan Cummings
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 5:05 PM
To: Debbie M. Decker
Subject: Experimental cook blows hands off trying molecular gastronomy

GERMANY: Experimental cook blows hands off trying molecular gastronomy
Sydney Morning Herald
AFP s-off-trying-molecular-gastronomy-20090714-dj0r.html
An experimental German cook accidentally blew off both his hands attempting to concoct a "molecular gastronomy" dish with liquid nitrogen, a newspaper report said on Monday.
The 24-year-old man from Stahnsdorf near Berlin somehow obtained some of the dangerous chemical and was poised to try out a new recipe from the school of molecular cooking, which aims to apply scientific processes to gastronomy.
There was an "enormous explosion", according to the Berliner Morgenpost daily.
The man lost one hand in the explosion and the other was so badly injured it had to be amputated.
The man, who was staying at his girlfriend's mother's house, was rushed to hospital where his condition was described as life-threatening. He is on artifical respiration.
He claimed he was trying to fill a gas lighter, but his girlfriend said he was trying to empty a canister of liquid nitrogen.

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