Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 08:48:11 -0400
Reply-To: "Marshall, Kent Prof." <Kent.Marshall**At_Symbol_Here**QUINNIPIAC.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: "Marshall, Kent Prof." <Kent.Marshall**At_Symbol_Here**QUINNIPIAC.EDU>
Subject: UG lab hazardous waste procedures
I have worked out waste collection/disposal with the hazardous waste
contractor(s) we use for pick-up and disposal.
Organic Chemistry Labs
glass gallon jug with safety funnel on top [stored between labs with lid
on] (i) for non-halogenated organic liquids [including acetone rinsings
of micro-scale equipment] and (2) halogenated organic liquids.  Name of
cpd listed on bottle.
Wastes from various experiments are combined {I determine if compatable}
until jugs are full, they are then transferred to 5 gal can for storage
until lab pack/pick-up (180 day schedule).  Organic solids are places in
1 lb bottles separated in to hal and nonhal compounds.  A separate
bottle for inorganic solids.  Acidic and basic aqueous wastes are
collected in large beaker, neutralized at end of lab and where
appropiate, washed out drain (if not labelled and stored for pickup).
All the other labs follow bascially the same system.  This would include
the freshman inorganic lab, GOB freshman lab, analytical labs and
biochemistry lab.
Freshman lab has 16 sections, GOB lab has 12 section, organic has 6
sections, analytical has 2 sections, biochem 2 sections.
Department of Biogical Sciences labs follow the same system with their
hazardous chemical wastes.
Kent Marshall Ph.D., CHO
Department of Chemistry & Physical Sciences
Quinnipiac University
Hamden CT

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