Wouldn't it make sense for ANSI to designate different parts of the standard for different applications, so that users would know [or could be taught] that Z87.1a is for splash, Z87.1b is for impact, etc? -or- Perhaps tacking on a suffix letter like: -C for chemical -I for impact -U for UV... The real problem is not that there is no labeling on the eye wear parts, its that the labeling is not specific enough. What people need is a simple >statement that a particular item is good for high impact work, chemical splash, IR, >UV, etc. Face sheilds, in particular, should have right on them that they are >not eye rated for impact eye protection since this is a common mistake that >people make. > >For a very short while, there were a couple of companies that were doing >this. The qualifications of the wear would be on the side sheilds of impact wear >for example. But that didn't last and now all I see is the cryptic Z87.1. > >It's time to make it simple for both the user and the inspector, like me, who >has to track down the information before I know if they are using the right >stuff or not. > >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeffrey A. Your, C.S.M.M., M.B.A. http://www.jcu.edu/chemistry/ Science Buyer; Central Scientific Stores and Laboratory Support Services John Carroll University 20700 North Park Blvd. University Hts, Ohio 44118-4578 jyour**At_Symbol_Here**jcu.edu 216.397.4244 vox 216.397.1803 fax 216.496.7594 cell Member of the National Association of Scientific Materials Managers http://www.naosmm.org NAOSMM in Cleveland 2007
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