From: Joseph DiVerdi <joseph.diverdi**At_Symbol_Here**ColoState.EDU>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Chemical Safety headlines (9 articles)
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2020 07:42:46 -0600
Reply-To: joseph.diverdi**At_Symbol_Here**ColoState.EDU
Message-ID: bfc6208b-6f44-722e-76b4-27afd5536a8d**At_Symbol_Here**

Two thoughts:

Going forward, perhaps employees will need to pass a basic composition and literacy class before ...

Ralph and Rob, I'm going to quietly think that you copy edited this piece just for me. ;)

Stay healthy,

On Wed, 08 Jul 2020 5:39 AM, DCHAS Membership Chair wrote:
> Chemical Safety Headlines From Google
> Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 7:39:00 AM
> A service of the ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety
> Tags: us_CA, industrial, follow-up, environmental, drugs
> The U.S. Forest Service will spend nearly $50,000 to hire a hazardous materials consulting firm to train employees how to safely remove marijuana grown on public lands under a newly awarded government contract.
> The agency says the training is needed to protect employees, some of whom reportedly have been taken to emergency rooms after being exposed to hazardous chemicals while clearing marijuana plants in years past.
> ‰??Before 2016 we had numerous number [sic] of our Agents and Officers getting sick in our marijuana cultivation sites on our public lands requiring trips to emergency rooms with possible long term health effects,‰?? says a typo-ridden document filed in support of the contract that was posted last week to the U.S. General Services Administration website. ‰??In 2016 we received our fist [sic] citation from OSHA for not providing our personnel the training and PPE needed to operate in this environment.‰??
> Going forward, employees will need to pass the hazmat class before they can participate in cannabis-clearing operations.

Joseph A. DiVerdi, PhD, MBA
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA
+1.970.980.5868 -

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