From: Jarral Ryter <jryter**At_Symbol_Here**WESTERN.EDU>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Innovative face shields
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2020 14:12:58 +0000
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**Princeton.EDU>
Message-ID: c6f9cbaab0494cd4b31be72c3ecc5e9c**At_Symbol_Here**
In-Reply-To <8ea958c8f3c0454f8c2bf32d26a1cca3**At_Symbol_Here**>

Interesting stuff. I think this has been discussed ages ago somewhat but like many limits we know what limits will be really bad and need fixing asap. 1000ppm CO2 is bad. What about lower levels on long term effects. 

Is there a sliding scale of lost cognitive ability? For example you may seem ok at 500 or 600ppm in a poorly ventilated buliding or in the middle of a bad polution day in large city. But is your ability to think at high levels affected? 5%? 1%? Affects by age? In a house with cable tv on (ha)? What levels are common in buildings or houses or in cities? We aren't slowing rise of co2. In 5 yrs?

I've been thinking about this for a long time. 

Any good stats out there (As i take a break from the futility of trying to decide how many students we can safely put in a room without testing the population.) ?

Jarral Ryter 

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: "Wright, Mike" <mwright**At_Symbol_Here**USW.ORG>
Date: 6/27/20 7:40 AM (GMT-07:00)
To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**Princeton.EDU
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Innovative face shields

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Based on personal experience I have to go with Monona on this one. Of course, I’ve never worn one of these particular enclosed face shields. But I have worn PAPRs with a neck shroud. If the pump fails, or you experiment with turning it off, after a few breaths breathing becomes pretty uncomfortable due to exhaled CO2. That’s because of all the dead space in the helmet. With a cloth face mask, there’s almost none.  




Michael J. Wright

Director of Health, Safety and Environment

United Steelworkers


412-562-2580 office

412-370-0105 cell


“My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.”

                                                                                                                                                                                         Jack Layton





From: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety [mailto:DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**Princeton.EDU] On Behalf Of Kristi Ohr
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020 4:14 PM
To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**Princeton.EDU
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Innovative face shields


The fabric around the edges is cloth, so I really don’t think it would be any harder than breathing through a cloth face covering.  I think it’s an interesting hybrid between face coverings and face shields that might be used to address a variety of situations that have been discussed here recently.


From: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**Princeton.EDU> On Behalf Of Monona Rossol
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020 10:38 AM
To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**Princeton.EDU
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Innovative face shields


Gee that would be perfect if we didn't need oxygen.  Each time you exhale in that thing your breath fills the space and some leaks out round the edges.   When you inhale, you breathe in mostly what you just exhaled plus a little that leaks in from the sides.  The CO2 level is going to rise and I give that patient about 4 minutes before there is some heavy breathing and a complaint made familiar by activists.


Note the video says it is just for moving patients from one place to another.  Wouldn't work in a NYC hospital where you typically are grown over by moss while you wait in the hall on gurney.  



-----Original Message-----
From: Kristi Ohr <kohr**At_Symbol_Here**UMASS.EDU>
To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**Princeton.EDU
Sent: Fri, Jun 26, 2020 8:10 am
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Innovative face shields

This was posted on the ABSA listserv, and I thought there might be some interest in this community as well given recent discussions.



All the best,



Sent from my iPad

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