From: DCHAS Membership Chair <membership**At_Symbol_Here**DCHAS.ORG>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] ACS webinars next week: Navigating Graduate School and Mental Health and Safer Chemistry Education at Home
Date: Fri, 1 May 2020 12:56:32 -0400
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: 77E2DBD1-246F-499E-8880-E374FD9F1241**At_Symbol_Here**

Note that the panel for the Thursday webinar below ("Safer Chemistry Education at Home") will include CHAS members me and Debbie Decker, along with Jenny Bishoff of Frostburg State and the ACS Committee on Chemical Safety.

- Ralph

American Chemical Society
ACS Webinars
Wednesday, May 6th **At_Symbol_Here** 2pm ET
Hello Ralph, 

Acclimating to graduate school can be difficult. With more demands and less structure than undergrad, keeping up with everything can feel daunting.

During this free interactive broadcast our panel of experts have an honest conversation on the mental health struggles that often come as a package deal with graduate school. Co-produced by the ACS Younger Chemists Committee.
What You Will Learn

  • Common issues that students face and strategies on how to deal with them
  • Advice from the panelists based on their personal and professional experiences
  • The chance for the panel to take your questions
What's coming up next week? - Register Now!
Monday, May 4th
The Proposal Writing Process: Practical Tips
2-3pm ET
Why do some research proposals receive funding while others are not rewarded the same distinction? During this edited recording, Nancy Jensen a Program Manager of the Office of Research Grants at ACS discussed the proposal writing process and provides practical tips for funding success.
8:30-9:30am ET
With more uncertainty in the job market for traditional research jobs than in the past, alternative career paths are becoming more attractive. Join Anubhav Saxena, President of Research and Development, Pidilite Industries Limited during this free interactive broadcast from India as he shares professional development advice for a successful career in industry.
Thursday, May 7th
Safer Chemistry Education at Home
2-3pm ET
Join speakers Debbie Decker of UC Davis, Jennifer Bishoff of Frostburg University, and Ralph Stuart of Keene State College during this free interactive broadcast as they discuss safety concepts that can be applied in post-COVID remote and self-guided learning environment.
Friday, May 8th
The Material World of Color: Chemical Characterization of Pigments in Art 
2-3pm ET
Artists have used pigments from the animal, mineral and vegetable kingdoms and a multitude of man-made molecules to satisfy their desire for mimesis and to provoke emotions. During this edited recording, Barbara Berrie from the National Gallery of Art shares how chemical analysis can help us appreciate their creativity and innovation that artists have used throughout the years.
What is an ACS ID? 
Registering for ACS Webinars is now easier with ACS ID! If you're an ACS member, sign-in with your ACS ID to reserve your spot. If you're not an ACS member yet, that's okay! We'll ask you to create a FREE ACS ID when you register for your next webinar (no membership required). Please email service**At_Symbol_Here** with any questions.

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