I am absolutely a believer in the importance of service dogs to their human partners and acknowledge the right of that partner to take a true, well-trained service dog with them. However, the question of allowing the dog in the lab is not black and white. I have met Joey Ramp and Samson, and he is truly a wonderful dog and very important to Joey. He wears appropriate PPE including a lab coat (although I would prefer a tyvek suit to what appears to be a normal lab coat), goggles and booties, and his help with her PTSD and balance requires his presence 24/7. I do not agree, however, that every service dog should simply be allowed in the lab without question. The particular situation should be discussed beforehand. What service can the dog provide in the laboratory (picking up items from the floor, for instance, is appropriate in another area but could create a hazard for the dog in a lab) that cannot be provided to the partner's satisfaction in other ways, what is the physical environment in the lab; how does the dog alert the partner if it is a hearing, PTSD, or seizure dog (often this is by jumping, barking, or nudging the partner); what chemical and physical operations are being carried out in the lab - these are some of the questions that should be addressed by the institution and the partner to ensure a safe environment for all. In other words, the partner has the right under the ADA to bring the dog into the lab (with the exceptions noted in the ADA), but it may not be necessary or in the best interest of the dog to do so.
Patricia Redden