From: "Stuart, Ralph" <Ralph.Stuart**At_Symbol_Here**KEENE.EDU>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Perchloric acid hood service
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2020 12:33:48 +0000
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: 557E62F8-A541-4495-821C-67CE767B36AB**At_Symbol_Here**

> >Can anyone recommend a company that can perform preventative maintenance and other service for perchloric acid hoods?

I'm not clear what kind of service you have in mind. In my experience, decon of acid contaminated hoods is a hazmat clean up job that requires a plan specific to the situation (contaminant of concern, hood and ductwork design, resources available, etc.). I've helped organize such clean ups of both perchloric and nitric acid contaminated hood systems and these required an interdisciplinary group with facilities and EHS expertise.

Good luck!

- Ralph

Ralph Stuart, CIH, CCHO
Environmental Safety Manager
Keene State College
603 358-2859


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