Attached is the draft of the proposed Texas School Facilities Standards. I was on the Special Spaces Sub-Committee and sought input from across Texas, especially (chemistry) ACT2 for the science areas.
There are several sections that the TASA Facilities Standards Committee would like input by Dec. 5 before TEA writes the rules & send out for public comment.
Topic: Special Spaces
-Science Lab
-Science Classrooms
-Science Combination Classroom/Lab
Current document: Grades 5-12 are combined for minimum standards. Does grade 5 science combo room need to be as large as a high school one? Which of the below do we recommend?
- Grade 5 should have its own standards OR
- Grades 5, 6-8 and 9-12 should each have their own standards OR
- Grades 5-8 should have the same standards & grades 9-12 should have the same standards OR
- Grades 5-12 should have the same standards
Prep Rooms
Grades 5-12 are combined for minimum standards. Any changes here? Does IPC need a built-in fume hood? ACT2 recommended 2 fume hoods for AP Chemistry, but the committee didn't adopt that recommendation.
Does middle school prep room need a built in fume hood ($12,000?)
Storage Rooms
Grades 5-12 have same standards?
Chemical Storage
Need to verify no additional requirements are needed other than the NFPA, IFC, & OSHA.
Comparison to School Facilities Standards for Construction on or after January 1, 2004 standards.
For comparison the current standards can be found at
(4) Compliance with the standards specified in paragraph (5)(B) - (D) of this subsection will be evaluated based on the school district's intended full-time and/or part-time use of the areas, and not the name of the areas as identified in the construction documents.
One area that is not included for safer teacher work spaces is the need for a NON-ADA sink so prep rooms will have a non-ADA sink that is actually large enough to be useful for more than just pouring liquids down the drain.
I've also asked if the ADA requirements would allow a portable ADA hood to be a choice so that every hood is the lower less safe ADA deck is not in every room.
Input can be sent directly to me by Dec. 6.