From: McGrath Edward J <Edward.McGrath**At_Symbol_Here**REDCLAY.K12.DE.US>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] [External] [DCHAS-L] Thoughts?
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2019 20:36:01 +0000
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: BN6PR03MB3105E87574B127DF00971CD096D90**At_Symbol_Here**

Although I don't work in the research or industrial settings, this question may be the easiest to answer:

If our laboratory is considering bringing this researcher on, the answer is a resounding NO!  A reputation for disregard to safety speaks for itself.  This researcher will never bring in enough funding to warrant the cost (monetary and otherwise) of a serious safety accident.

If the researcher is already in the lab and displaying disregard for safety, progressive discipline is the only option.  Following policy, we go after the person.  It is unlikely that this person is unaware of safety protocols if, as you say, they bring great prestige to the group.  If the researcher decides to take the work elsewhere, that is ultimately beneficial to our group.  All infractions must be documented.

Hopefully, I'm not oversimplifying the situation.  If I've learned anything from this listserv, it's that safety infractions cost millions and devastate lives in a matter of seconds.  

Eddie McGrath

Edward J. McGrath
Science Supervisor
Red Clay Consolidated School District
1502 Spruce Avenue
Wilmington DE  19805

(302) 552-3768

?We did not inherit the Earth from our ancestors.  We borrowed it from our children.

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