From: Monona Rossol <0000030664c37427-dmarc-request**At_Symbol_Here**LISTS.PRINCETON.EDU>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Monona Rossol's Latest Honor!
Date: Wed, 15 May 2019 15:12:19 +0000
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: 691567481.1017520.1557933139424**At_Symbol_Here**

I owe a lot of people thanks for the good wishes.  And today, Sammye gave me her blessings to use her Rainbow study in my next NYCOSH presentation.   And yesterday, Peter Zavon put a notice about the NYCOSH award on the AIHA forum on the thread where Kathy Makos and already put an announcement about the UMass-A Art Safety course I'm teaching.   We all work together on these forums.

I would be stone cold broke if all my unofficial promoters got their entitled minimum 15%.  Thank you all.


-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Cody <dsc1950**At_Symbol_Here**GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wed, May 15, 2019 9:56 am
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Monona Rossol's Latest Honor!

A well deserved honor for a true fighter for safety principles. 

Doug Cody

Sent from my iPhone

On May 14, 2019, at 12:35 PM, Wright, Mike <mwright**At_Symbol_Here**> wrote:

I'm happy to announce that Monona is being honored by the New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health at its 40th Anniversary Gala on June 18th. NYCOSH is a coalition of unions, medical personnel, academics, lawyers and activists united to protect worker health and safety in New York City and throughout the USA. It's an obviously well-deserved honor, from a terrific organization.
More information is in the announcement below, and on their website.
Mike Wright
Michael J. Wright
Director of Health, Safety and Environment
United Steelworkers
412-562-2580 office
412-370-0105 cell
"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world."
                                                                                                                                                                                         Jack Layton
From: New York Committee for Occupational Safety & Health [mailto:nycosh**At_Symbol_Here**] On Behalf Of New York Committee for Occupational Safety & Health
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2019 12:02 PM
To: Wright, Mike
Subject: Announcing NYCOSH's Gala Honorees
Dear NYCOSH Supporters and Allies,
This year, we are beyond excited to honor significant leaders in our movement as we celebrate our 40th year as an institution protecting workers throughout our City. We are proud to announce our 2019 honorees:
The New York City Council Women's Caucus
Monona Rossol
President of Arts, Crafts, and Theater Safety;
Safety Officer for USA829, IATSE
F.D.N.Y. Local 2507
These leaders and organizations have shown us what leadership means throughout their history as activists and advocates in our communities. If you haven't yet saved the date for our 40 year anniversary gala to celebrate, mark your calendar! Tickets and sponsorships on sale now! 

In Solidarity,
Charlene Obernauer
Executive Director
Contact us at 212-227-6440 or
NYCOSH is a union shop, with its staff represented by USW Local 4-406. 
HIGHRESlogo edited.jpg
Like us on Facebook                View our videos on YouTubeFollow us on Twitter
New York Committee for Occupational Safety & Health, 50 Broadway, 28th Floor, New York, NY 10004
Sent by charlene**At_Symbol_Here** in collaboration with
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--- For more information about the DCHAS-L e-mail list, contact the Divisional membership chair at membership**At_Symbol_Here** Follow us on Twitter **At_Symbol_Here**acsdchas
--- For more information about the DCHAS-L e-mail list, contact the Divisional membership chair at membership**At_Symbol_Here** Follow us on Twitter **At_Symbol_Here**acsdchas

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