>The video advises us to make sure the nitrogen has fully sublimated before serving it. Are there more definitive criteria we can use to help determine whether the nitrogen has fully sublimated?... Wait time prior to serving?
> How do we we assure the consumer there are negligible risks, other than by saying, it's probably fine or, we've never had an issue before?
There's an interesting response to the FDA warning from a vendor at
The vendor says "the warning is misleading because they're saying any foods". However, he then explains the precautions he uses to address the concern. The challenge is that his explanation doesn't mean that the warning is misleading, because I'm sure there are many vendors of similar products that don't use those precautions (as shown in the C&EN video). I know that Yale has provided generic advice about liquid N2 ice cream, but Andy's questions stand. Perhaps this is a risk assessment opportunity for a student ACS chapter to take on?
- Ralph
Ralph Stuart, CIH, CCHO
Environmental Safety Manager
Keene State College
603 358-2859
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