Just a suggestion - no one has the time or focus to go through many lab upgrades, additions, new construction, or modifications in their careers, so it's always a learning experience when faced with such and opportunity(challenge). Why don't we put together a guidance document to make it easier for future safety-oriented chemists to approach these issues in a pro-active way?
It's obvious from the wealth of responses that we can provide guidance to avoid the major pitfalls awaiting our colleagues on future projects, even if new problems surface which they always do.
Ralph A. Froehlich, CIH, CSP, QEP
Helix Environmental, Inc.
(937) 226-0650 office
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Hi Melissa!
It is both amazing and stunning to me how our segment of the lab experience has found so many forces within our own sphere of influence working at such cross purposes. I hope, Melissa, awareness is truly the first step in resolution. Good luck!!!
Dr. Bob Haugen
Director of Product and Technology Development
Flow Sciences, Inc.
910 332 4878
What a fantastic wealth of responses! Thank you so much everyone. Now I just have to process everything and make an action list. . . :)
Hi Everyone,
We're in the planning process for a new science building (we're a two-year community college with a strong STEM reputation and a very small informal undergrad research program). Does anyone have any lessons learned or other recommendations as we start working with the architects when it comes to planning out our chemistry labs?
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