As you know, ACS aims to provide high quality chemical information and communicate chemistry's value to policymakers. In accordance with these goals, ACS External Affairs and Communications is seeking our help in identifying qualified chemists to serve on federal advisory committees that provide input to programs critical to the U.S. chemical enterprise.
If you know of an ACS member you would consider well qualified to serve in this capacity based on the descriptions below please send the name, affiliation, contact information, and the advisory committee for which the nominee should be considered to Caroline Trupp Gil (c_truppgil**At_Symbol_Here** with a courtesy copy to me (anthony.noce**At_Symbol_Here** no later than this Friday, June 16.
This deadline us being driven by the EPA, and while I apologize for the short notice I hope you understand that it is outside of our control.
Federal advisory committees give advice, feedback, and recommendations to the staff at federal agencies. They are comprised of specifically qualified individuals and provide a source of outside guidance that reflects the concerns of relevant stakeholders. In the case of advisory committees for scientific research programs, these bodies provide direction for policies that impact the conduct of the research and advise staff on the content of their research portfolios. Members of advisory committees are considered Special Government Employees (SGEs) and must comply with conflict of interest rules; however, they stay in their current positions with their employers and only convene on a few occasions per year. More specific information about the NSF and EPA advisory committees can be found below.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either Caroline or me. Thank you for your assistance with this process.
All the best,
Anthony M. Noce, ACSF
Chair, ACS Committee in Environmental Improvement
(518) 466-5608
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC)
BOSC provides advice and recommendations to EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD) on technical and management issues of its research programs. Active programs under ORD's purview include research into Chemical Safety for Sustainability; Air, Climate, and Energy; Safe and Sustainable Water Resources; and others. Chemistry plays a major role in these programs. The full list of expertise sought by EPA, organized by research program subcommittee, can be found here, and additional information can be found in the Federal Register notice.
Please note that the current administration has expressed a desire for more representation from industry scientists as compared to the traditionally heavy academic composition of BOSC. Current employment in industry or prior experience in that sector may increase the likelihood of selection by EPA to BOSC.