I suspect people on this list know the answers to these questions:
With respect to the AAAS fellow discussion, I know that ACS and its divisions also elect fellows.
When ACS or one of its divisions nominate a fellow, would the nominee’s safety record be considered? Is safety a criteria for election as an ACS fellow? If not,
I hope that it will be in the future.
For comparison, When ACS or one of its divisions nominate a fellow, would a nominee found to partake in scientific misconduct be considered? For example, would
falsification of published research data be a criteria for election as an ACS fellow? I would guess it is now a criteria. Isn’t safety as important as scientific misconduct?
Is Dr. Harran an ACS fellow? Is Dr. Harran a fellow on an ACS Division? If so, when was he elected?
Peter A. Reinhardt
Director, Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Yale University
135 College St., Suite 100
New Haven, CT 06510-2411
(203) 737-2123
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