From: "Weeks Jr., Robert" <rweeks**At_Symbol_Here**LANL.GOV>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] OccHygPro: Chemical laboratory guidelines when working with Bromine...
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 14:25:38 +0000
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
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In-Reply-To <7B39633B01F4EE42A269E983C42F5A480AA2F610**At_Symbol_Here**SULFATE.fsidomain.local>

Yes, I used Br2 as a cleaning solvent substance for certain phosphorus compounds and occasionally/frequently the bromine would escape the hood. One shallow breath of the escaped fumes caused pronounced respiratory distress.

-----Original Message-----
From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**] On Behalf Of Dr Bob
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] OccHygPro: Chemical laboratory guidelines when working with Bromine...

Hello Andrew / Ralph:

If Bromine is used inside hood, two primary possibilities are:

1) Leakage from the hood into workspace (low face velocity, materials too close to sash, other breaches in hood containment).
2) Re-entrainment of exhaust back into lab space once fumes are exhausted from the building.

Other factors could also be at work as well, too many possibilities to completely outline here, but lab configuration and subtleties of HVAC come to mind. GOOD LUCK!
Very Truly Yours,

Dr. Bob Haugen
Director of Product and Technology Development Flow Sciences Inc.
2025 Mercantile Drive
Leland, NC 28451

Phone 910 332 4878

-----Original Message-----
From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**] On Behalf Of Secretary, ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 8:03 AM
Subject: [DCHAS-L] OccHygPro: Chemical laboratory guidelines when working with Bromine...

I‰??m posting the question on behalf of a Canadian colleague. His direct e-mail is andrewcutz**At_Symbol_Here**

- Ralph

This is Andrew Cutz, CIH in Toronto, Canada. Would you be aware of any specific chemical laboratory guidelines when working with Bromine in combination with Aqua Regia? A client would like to inspect the chemical laboratory fume hood and associated mechanical exhaust system - addressing on-going occupant "bromine odour" complaints and concerns. Looks like that this is a pretty nasty (hazardous) stuff... not to be used by novices!

Any guidance and potential leads would be much appreciated at this stage.

Thank you in advance,

Andrew Cutz

Andrew Cutz (B.Sc., DIH, CIH, FAIHA‰?˘) | Managing Principal - Occupational Hygiene | Health+Safety Matters & Associates
1 Pringle Avenue, Markham, Ontario, CANADA L3P 2P3
Voice: (416) 895 7790 | Fax: (905) 209-1609 | eMail: 627788**At_Symbol_Here** | SKYPE‰?˘: coxcutz
LinkedIn Professional Profile:


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