DCHAS representation at this meeting would probably be valuable. The topics of discussion will be how to include more information with a QR code on chemical containers, including health and safety information to improve access to chemical information in the lab or workplace.
- Ralph
International Chemical Identifier (InChI) QR Code Consultation Workshops
The International Chemical Identifier (InChI) is a text string that encodes chemical structure and provides a means to search databases for the structure. IUPAC and the InChI Trust (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.inchi-2Dtrust.org_&d=BQIFAg&c=lb62iw4YL4RFalcE2hQUQealT9-RXrryqt9KZX2qu2s&r=meWM1Buqv4IQ27AlK1OJRjcQl09S1Zta6YXKalY_Io0&m=E-f2zrr8ZVWe1mUvbo-AQC9msyqx_4RonvHWhhgQlCY&s=tPG47T8gIz2Wqv4_tbkDNRFj0qwAtoGdUg_Tkpj1G4g&e= ) is examining development of a QR code (2D bar code) version of the InChI. We wish to consult with industry/regulatory/academic sector users to identify and prioritise additional information that could/should be included in the QR code at a series of workshops.
The additional information will enhance the value and commercial utility of the QR InChI. Possibilities to be evaluated and elaborated upon include: health/safety information (UN GHS and/or safety data URL); catalog code; batch number; inventory information; sample composition/purity. This project is complementary to another user-focused project that is developing InChI for states and mixtures.
Please register your interest in attending these workshops at:
Workshop Locations/Dates/Times
Workshop 1: Busan, South Korea, Monday 10 August, 17:00-19:00, coinciding with the IUPAC Congress and General Assembly
Workshop 2: Boston, USA, Wednesday 19 August, 17:00-19:00, coinciding with the Boston ACS meeting.
Workshop 3: Brussels, Belgium, details yet to be determined
Let me know if you have any questions about this.
- Ralph
Ralph Stuart
Division of Chemical Health and Safety
American Chemical Society
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