From: "Reinhardt, Peter" <peter.reinhardt**At_Symbol_Here**YALE.EDU>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Call for papers! Lab Safety 25 Years after the OSHA Lab Standard
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 21:53:54 +0000
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: 56CFF4AEBF5BC544A444B45BDB588A7840EE5DC9**At_Symbol_Here**



Please consider making a laboratory safety presentation at the 250th ACS National Meeting in Boston, August 16 - 20, 2015.


The symposium, “Lab Safety 25 Years after Promulgation of the OSHA Laboratory Standard,” will address: “In 1990 OSHA promulgated its Standard for the Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories. Among other provisions, the Standard requires institutions to keep exposures below permissible exposure limits, write and implement a Chemical Hygiene Plan, designate a Chemical Hygiene Officer, and train all laboratory personnel. After a quarter century, did the Lab Standard meet its intent? Has it reduced injuries and illnesses? Does it still make sense? Should every lab have a specially-tailored CHP, or does one CHP per institution or firm suffice? Did the Standard create today’s leaders in laboratory education and research? This symposium will explore how institutions have implemented the Standard, look at the rule’s shortcomings, and reveal lessons learned and best practices.”


Please consider sharing your wisdom, experience and suggestions at this Symposium. If you are a faculty member, we are especially interested in hearing how the OSHA Lab Standard has affected your lab. We will also try to accommodate papers on laboratory safety in general. If you have a helpful laboratory safety story to share, please propose it. (If you know a faculty member or industrial researcher with an interesting lab safety perspective, please ask them to make a presentation.)


The deadline for abstracts is March 16th. To submit an abstract, please go to:


Once you have logged in:

1.     Select, “Submit or Edit an Abstract”

2.     Then “Create New Submission”

3.     On the next page, scroll to “[CHAS] Division of Chemical Health and Safety” to select it.

4.     This will take you to a Step 2: Title/Body page where you can enter a title for your abstract as well as your abstract.

5.     After that page you’ll land on a Step 3: Properties page. Select “Oral” under Presentation Type and “Lab Safety 25 Years after Promulgation of the OSHA Laboratory Standard” under Symposium

6.     Follow all other instructions to complete your submission.


Thank you! If you submit an abstract, please let us know, as it is difficult for us to get this information prior to the deadline.


Please let us know if you have any questions. If you do not plan to present, we hope that you will attend this event.


Peter A. Reinhardt and Louis J. DiBerardinis, Co-organizers


Pete Reinhardt, Director, Yale EHS, 203-737-2123, peter.reinhardt**At_Symbol_Here**

Lou DiBerardinis, Director, MIT Environment Health and Safety Office, (617) 253-9389, loudib**At_Symbol_Here**             


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