Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories
Using Chemicals
2011 Edition
Reference: 10.1.1, Table 10.1..1(a) and Table 10.1.1(b)
F.I. No.: 45-11-01
Background: Chapter 10 of NFPA 45 addresses the use and storage of flammable and combustible liquids in laboratories. Section 10.1.1 reads as follows:
The density and total amount of flammable and combustible liquids in use in laboratory work areas and in the laboratory unit outside of flammable liquid storage rooms shall not exceed the quantities presented in Table 10.1.1(a) and Table 10.1.1(b) for the respective class of laboratory.
Note that Table 10.1.1(a) and Table 10.1.1(b) are identical except for the units used. Table 10.1.1(a) presents quantities in metric units and Table 10.1.1(b) presents quantities in U.S. customary units.
Footnote (a) in both tables reads as follows: The maximum amount in use in open systems is limited to ten percent of the quantities listed.
All three questions listed below deal with the definition of an open system.
Question No. 1: In Table 10.1.1(a) and Table 10.1.1(b) as referenced in paragraph 10.1.1, is it the intent of the code to include operations utilizing flammable liquids inside of a chemical fume hood to be included in the requirements of note a?
Answer: Yes
Question No. 2: In Table 10.1.1(a) and Table 1.1(b) as referenced in paragraph 10.1.1, is it the intent of the code to include operations utilizing flammable liquids inside of a squeeze bottle to be included in the requirements of note a?
Answer: Yes
Question No. 3: In Table 10.1.1(a) and Table 10.1.1(b) as referenced in paragraph 10..1.1, is it the intent of the code to include operations utilizing flammable liquids inside of a spray bottle to be included in the requirements of note a?
Answer: Yes
ssue Edition: 2011
Reference: 10.1.1, Table 10.1.1(a) and Table 10.1.1(b)
Issue Date: May 28, 2014
Effective Date: June 17, 2014