We are in the process of revising our accident/incident response policy. Currently it states that if a person is injured and cannot transport him or herself, then the supervisor should contact emergency personnel to have them transported
to a medical facility.
However, what we have found is that most minor injuries (e.g., cut finger requiring stitches, etc.) that have occurred would be something that would inhibit someone from driving but most people do not want to call 911 for such a minor injury.
Some supervisors do not want to take a chance with another employee driving the injured person for treatment, in case something happens. Other people have the immediate reaction to help and think that they can be the quickest route to treatment.
We do have a first aid/CPR team, but they are not EMTs or anything like that.
I have been asked to find out what other companies do in similar situations. If anyone has any suggestions, please email me.
Michele L. Wallace, LCACP, NRCC-CHO
Director, Product Integrity
6399 Weston Parkway Cary, NC 27513
P: 919-678-2417 E: MWallace**At_Symbol_Here**cottoninc.com
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