In answer to Dr. Humphrey of Baylor University. I don’t have a suggestion for EHS management software.
However, as far as guidance for developing and implementing an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) I recommend the ANSI/AIHA Z10 2005-2012 standard is a great place to start. The standard is about 75 pages and is divided into two columns. The left column lists requirements and in the adjacent right column are recommended practices to comply with each requirement. About 50 highly regarded OHS professionals developed the standard over a period of several years.
Preparing and implementing or revising an existing OHSMS according to this standard will lead to compliance with applicable codes, standards and regulations. You will also end up with a well organized OHS management system that is straightforward, comprehensive, efficient and easy to revise and maintain.
Jim Keating
EHS Consultant
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