From: Paul Dover <Paul.Dover**At_Symbol_Here**MONASH.EDU>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Medical Oxygen requirement for experiments with cyanides
Date: May 17, 2012 9:26:20 AM EDT
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: <D35B78BF-97D6-47A1-AC4F-7EBF4279DCA9**At_Symbol_Here**mimectl>

Dear all,


Can I ask for a quick show of hands. We have a new OHS consultant who a bit hung up on the immediate availablity of medical oxygen and training in administration of medical oxygen for ANY experiments involving cyanide. To the extent that no work should commence until this is in place.

Is this what happens elsewhere? Does it seem a bit oveboard? Is it a 'control' as such, or just a nice thing to have. We are 5 mins away from a major hospital.


Thanks in advance, Paul




Paul Dover
Resources Manager (Medicinal Chemistry & Drug Action)

Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Monash University (Parkville Campus)
381 Royal Parade, Parkville
Victoria 3052, Australia


Tel: Int + 61 3 9903 9551

Fax: Int + 61 3 9903 9143

E-mail: paul.dover**At_Symbol_Here**


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