Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 13:16:31 -0500
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**>
From: George WAHL <ghw917**At_Symbol_Here**MAC.COM>
Subject: Re: Door swing in NMR room?
In-Reply-To: <564B4E7C792A4503A7A65B518F010089**At_Symbol_Here**smithrocket>
This has been a very good discussion of a situation that is probably
meaningful to most of our members.  Congratulations to all who 

In addition to our search for "chapter and verse" of a requirement,
let's remember there's another important issue to consider.
"What would the prudent person do?" 

The mention of a possible rapid boil-off of the refrigerant, an odor free gas, 
which could increase the pressure in the room enough to make opening 
an IN swinging door extremely difficult to open, and thereby cause asphyxiation 
of anyone in the room got my attention.  Then another person mentioned that 
she was able to have the door swing reversed by in-house labor for a reasonable fee.

That told me that there was little reason for not making sure that the room
was equipped with an OUT swing door.  This might simultaneously require
the posting  of CAUTION signs in the hallway to warn passers by of the
OUT swing door, but will not present a great cost increase.

I believe the "Prudent person" would have the door changed to OUT swing!

George Wahl

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