Hi All,I=A0am working with a client and we have discovered a Foxboro Analytical Model Miran 1B2 Ambient Air Analyzer in a storage closet.=A0 It appears to=A0 be complete except for the filter.=A0 It was due for ca libration in 2000.=A0 Yes, you read that right - 11 years ago.My q uestion to the list is:=A0 Does anybody know if this piece of equipment can still be calibrated / repaired / maintained / etc.?=A0 Would it be wort h the client's while to get it back into running condition and sell it o r should they just junk it?=A0 Their emergency response team has no one trained to use this, nor do thye really want to have their people traine d to such a high level that they would need this (they want a "see the s pill, notify, evacuate" level).=A0 Thanks,WendySaving one pet won't change the world, but it will surely change the world for tha t one pet.
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