Greetings! My university is looking at rewriting their lab coat policy to make them ma ndatory for certain lower level teaching labs. What we're currently trying to iron out are the details of the following: 1) Are the students responsible for keeping up with their own lab coat , or is it the department's responsibility to store the coats for all the s tudents? 2) Who is responsible for laundering the coats - the department or the students? We have a lab enrollment of several thousand students. My current thinking is to allow the students to keep up with and launder their own coats, exce pt in the case of a chemical spill. But I wanted to put out this query and see what other institutions were doing. Thank you, Karen Humphrey Laboratory Coordinator & Safety Officer / Part-time Lecturer Baylor Univ. Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry Office: BSB E.111 Phone: (254) 710-2002
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