Sent by: DCHAS-L Discussio
n List
2010-04-13 01:21 PM
Please respond to D
CHAS-L Discussion List |
| DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU
| [DCHAS-L] Explosion Proof Refrigerator
s |
I have a question about "explosion proof" or "explosion resi
stant" refrigerators/freezers. Where is the best place to put one in
a lab? Where are places to avoid putting them in a lab? What kind of igniti
ons sources should be avoided and how far away from these sources can the f
lammable or explosion proof refrigerator be safely installed? Do we have to
worry about nearby lights and electrical outlets?
Another question
that has come up for us is this: if the MSDS sheet states that mechanical v
entilation is needed for a flammable solvent, does Cal OSHA mandate that th
is MSDS be followed? Obviously, for safety reasons we should, but we are ha
ving trouble getting our facilities people to understand this. The only thi
ng they understand is when we say "it's the law". We are purchasing n
ew stand-alone flam cabinets and we would like mechanical ventilation, but
they don't want to go to the trouble and expense. Currently, the only mecha
nically ventilated flam cabinets we have are the small ones underneath fume
hoods. These are in the teaching labs and they have no locks, so we are he
sitant about using them to store larger quantities of flammable solvents. Thanks for any help!
Marjorie Samples Chemistry Dept. Fo
lsom Lake College
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