This could be an interesting follow up to
Wednesdsay morning's Ask Dr Safety about Reproductive Hazards in the
Workshops on the Control of Occupational Exposure to
Carcinogenic Chemicals
European Directive (2004/37/EC) deals with protection
of workers from exposure to carcinogens and mutagens at work. Article 5
of the Directive sets out the requirements for prevention or reduction
of exposure, where the prime duty of employers is to replace carcinogens
with substances that are not dangerous or less dangerous to workers'
health and safety. If it is not possible to substitute then the employer
must ensure that the carcinogen or mutagen is manufactured and used in a
closed system. Where neither of these approaches is possible they must
reduce the level of exposure to a minimum using specified
is assessing the impact of the requirements on the prevention and
reduction of exposure with particular emphasis on the risk minimization
principle as stated in Article 5 of Directive 2004/37/EC on carcinogens
and mutagens. This assessment will include the strengths and weaknesses
of the requirements when they are implemented in the EU workplaces in
terms of suitability, comprehensiveness and effectiveness in particular
in the case where there is a need to further reduce exposure to a level
below that introduced by an OEL.
We have organized three
workshops to discuss the review and gather the views and opinions of
occupational hygienists, health and safety practitioners, regulators and
others. These will be
held in Edinburgh (May 10, 2010), London (May 12, 2010) and as an online
teleconference (May 14, 2010).
workshop will comprise an introductory presentation by Dr John Cherrie
followed by a structured discussion. The discussion will be recorded as
a contribution to the review.
There is no cost to participate. For more
information visit... http://www.