Prof. Ferm, I would be interested in hearing about any feedback that you get on this point. We currently require safety glasses in our labs for the same reasons--students don't like goggles, but I use a pair of visor-gogs and like them. CPF Carl Fictorie, Ph.D. Professor of Chemistry Co-Director, Kuyper Scholars Program Chemistry Department Dordt College 498 4th Ave. NE Sioux Center, IA 51250-1697 phone: 712-722-6283 email: fictorie**At_Symbol_Here** >>> Ferm Barret A11/4/2009 11:14 AM >>> We are considering returning to use of Visor-Gogs(r) for chemistry lab students, as well as art studio activities. Our reasoning is that increased comfort will translate into increased compliance, as well as the idea that the less irritated the wearer's eyes/face are from the goggles, the less likely one is to reach in to rub with a potentially chemically-contaminated finger. Please offer feedback, or other information, positive and negative, on the use of Visor-Gogs(r) as PPE. Thanks, Barry Ferm St. Ambrose University
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