At the Salt Lake City national meeting last month, the CHAS Executive Committee approved the following slate of nominations for divisional officers to be voted on this year: Chair-Elect 1. Ken Fivizzani Secretary 1. Ralph Stuart Member-at-Large (1 position) 1. Alan H. Hall, MD 2. Bill Galdenzi 3. Joseph M. Crockett 4. RJ Wojcik The election process will take place in May and June of this year, so there is still time for additional nominations from the membership. The past chair, Erik Talley, is managing nominations, so questions about the responsibility of the offices or nominations for openings can be sent to him at ert2002**At_Symbol_Here** There are also open positions for committee chairs within the Executive Committee. Erik, or this year's chair, Russ Phifer rphifer**At_Symbol_Here** can provide more information about these opportunities. Let me know if you have any questions about this. - Ralph Ralph Stuart rstuart**At_Symbol_Here** Secretary Division of Chemical Health and Safety American Chemical Society
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