Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 11:21:39 -0400
Reply-To: Ralph Stuart <rstuart**At_Symbol_Here**UVM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Ralph Stuart <rstuart**At_Symbol_Here**UVM.EDU>
Subject: 2007 DCHAS Election Results

The 2007 CHAS election closed on August 15, 2007. This e-mail  
announces the results of this election and provides some information  
about future plans for the division.

The results were:
- Chair Positions:
2008: Erik Talley: 333 votes, 1 write-in for Larry Domeny and 18  
2009: Russ Phifer: 335 votes, 1 write-in for Ken Fivizzani and 16  

- Other CHAS Officers:
Members at Large of the CHAS Executive Committee:
Ken Fivizzani: 318 Pat Ceas: 311
Write-ins: 1 each for George Wahl and Larry Doemeny

- American Chemical Society Councilor:
George Wahl: 325
Larry Doemeny: 307.
George is the Councilor and Larry is the alternate for the 2008 -  
2010 term

- Length of Term:
Shall the length of term for the Chair of the Division of Chemical  
Health and Safety be changed from one year to two years? (350 total  
voters this ballot):
Yes  231 (66.0%)
No  119 (34.0%)
Abstentions 7
Note: Implementation of this change will require a by-laws change, to  
be voted on next year; the revision of the by-laws has been assigned  
to the Long Range Planning Committee and Divisional Secretary.  
Therefore, the terms of the chairs elected above will not be affected  
by this change.

- Voter comments on the election:
15 positive comments on the voting process
3 concerned about ballot and/or process (and two off-line)
4 concerned about lack of contested races
2 requests for more information from overseas

Based on the success of this year's process (50% more voted than in  
the 2006 election), CHAS will use the same system next year. However,  
DCHAS-L members will be given the opportunity of opting out of the  
electronic ballot in favor of a paper ballot by asking to have their  
e-mail removed from the list submitted to the election company. A  
reminder to this effect will be sent to DCHAS-L about a month before  
the election occurs.

The Executive Committee shares the concern expressed by several  
members about the number of uncontested races. We recognize that the  
expense of the attending national meetings deters some people from  
running for Divisional office. The Division does provide some travel  
support for Executive Committee members. The Executive Committee is  
also exploring alternative forms of participation, particularly  
monthly conference calls. Feel free to contact the Division Chair  
with other suggestions for opening up participation opportunities.

Thanks for your interest in DCHAS!

Ralph Stuart
Division of Chemical Health and Safety
American Chemical Society

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