Sci-Mix CHAS 17 Did I really just see that? Frankie Wood-Black, TA 3002, ConocoPhillips, 600 N. Dairy Ashford, Houston, TX 77079, Frankie.K.Wood-Black**At_Symbol_Here** You have just had a long day at the laboratory and are winding down. You have the television on watching one of those CSI programs or may be something on the Discovery Channel. While you know they are taking a bit of poetic license with the science you are able to escape from the daily grind – except – Did you really just see them do that? Are they really taking those risks? Come and see if you can spot the hazard in these frames from your favorite television programs. CHAS 18 Safety: It's not just for the birds Timothy Black, 6855 Lake Road, Ponca City, OK 74604, bmxer797**At_Symbol_Here** Humor has a way of providing a different outlook on life. Humor also gives us a chance to look at our behavior and actions in a non- critical way. This poster will provide a humorous look at various safety considerations through the eyes of our avian counterparts. You just might get a rubber duck! CHAS 19 Where's the hazard? Frankie Wood-Black, TA 3002, ConocoPhillips, 600 N. Dairy Ashford, Houston, TX 77079, Frankie.K.Wood-Black**At_Symbol_Here** Most of us flip through a magazine and don't even think twice about what is pictured there. However, in the world of chemical health and safety – these depictions can be dangerous. Can you spot the hazard in these common photos?
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