Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 14:54:17 -0500
Reply-To: Diane Amell <Diane.Amell**At_Symbol_Here**STATE.MN.US>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Diane Amell <Diane.Amell**At_Symbol_Here**STATE.MN.US>
Subject: Re: Chemistry magic show safety guidelines
Oops! I forgot to capitalize one letter in the URL, which, of course,
messed it up. The correct address is

I 'm sorry for the inconvenience.
- Diane Amell, MNOSHA

>>> Diane Amell  3/27/2007 2:04 PM >>>

ACS developed the "NCW and Community Actitivity Safety Guidelines"
several years back. They are located at

- Diane Amell, MNOSHA

>>> List Moderator  3/27/2007 12:00 PM >>>

Can anyone help Katie out with this?

- Ralph

    From:       kblass**At_Symbol_Here**MIT.EDU
    Subject:     Chemistry magic show safety guidelines
    Date:     March 26, 2007 1:19:29 PM EDT

Hi Ralph

A few years ago we sponsored an ACS chemistry magic show at MIT and  
they had safety guidelines.  I've been searching for these and also  
asked the MIT Chemistry dept if they could check. No luck so far and  
we need these to guide folks who want to do a few demos for kids  
during the Cambridge Science Festival. Any clues to help find these  
are much appreciated!

Katie Blass
MIT EHS Office N52-496
main 617-452-3477
direct 617-253-9495

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