Have you learned from an Accident, or a Near Miss? How about sharing that valuable experience with others? In Chicago, at the National ACS Mtg next March 25-29, we'll have a session "Learning by Accident". You are cordially invited to present a paper ( or a poster ) describing the incident, and how it taught you ( and/or others! ) a valuable SAFETY lesson. If you'd prefer, please just send along a description of the incident, and we'll present it anonymously, or with appropriate reference to you ( YOUR CHOICE! ) in one of our planned presentations. We all have heard about "Teachable Moments", right? Well, when your adrenaline is running hot and fast after a near miss, or after an actual accident, you have just had that experience imbedded in your long term memory! Share the wealth! Tell us about your experience. Thanks George Wahl george_wahl**At_Symbol_Here**ncsu.edu or, Thomas Murdock**At_Symbol_Here**medtronic.com
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