>Excellent EHS Seminar at UNC this March! > >Free Environmental Guide for March 22nd Attendees! > >Don't miss the CSHEMA-PRIZIM Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) seminar >and workshop on March 22 and 23, 2005! This program is designed for >anyone interested in campus and laboratory health and safety, >environmental compliance, emergency preparedness or environmental >management systems. People from educational institutions or >laboratory-based organizations - either small or large - will benefit >from attending. This looks like a very interesting seminar that will have information that many academics will need - BUT why is it scheduled in the middle of the week. For a lot of us, we will have to cancel classes and labs to attend, and the school calendar has no make-up days in it. A major university will have a person dedicated to safety who has no academic responsibilities. For a business, it is not a problem. At the smaller educational institutions, a member of the faculty is normally the responsible person. I'm looking at my schedule to see what I can do. However, people scheduling these seminars could get more in touch with the people they are trying to reach. Joe Crockett *************************************************************************** "If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?" - Albert Einstein Joseph M Crockett Professor of Chemistry Bridgewater College of Virginia Bridgewater, VA 22812 McKinney Center for Science and Mathematics - Office 307 (540)-828-5431 email:****************************************************************************
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