Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2004 16:09:03 -0700
Reply-To: Neal Langerman <chemsaf**At_Symbol_Here**IX.NETCOM.COM>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Neal Langerman <chemsaf**At_Symbol_Here**IX.NETCOM.COM>
Organization: Advanced Chemical Safety
Subject: ACS Dues
DivCHAS Members:

Once again, communications between ACS and its Divisions proved less
than perfect.  Here is how dues and subscriptions will work:

You have received or will receive soon, your dues statement for ACS and
the Division.   The Division amount is $36 - dues of $9 and subscription
to CHAS of $27.  If you do NOT want the subscription, you need to
opt-out via ACS membership and they will adjust your invoice.

I was hoping this would be a line item on your invoice, but that seems
beyond the Society's ability to handle complexity.

Sorry for the confusion.

I hope no one opts out.  If you are not satisfied with CHAS, please tell
me.  The publication is for you and is prepared as a professional level,
peer-reviewed resource.  If the Division is not doing the job you
expect, we want and need to know.

Let me hear from you.




Chair, Division of Chemical Health and Safety
American Chemical Society
7563 Convoy Ct, San Diego CA 92111
(858) 874 5577      (858) 874 8239 (FAX)

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