Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2004 11:35:07 -0500
Reply-To: Ralph Stuart <rstuart**At_Symbol_Here**>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Ralph Stuart <rstuart**At_Symbol_Here**>
Subject: ACS DivCHAS Programming Notes, Philadelphia August 22-26, 2004

Please contact Kathy if you have additional ideas for symposium or
would like to contribute to one of these.

- Ralph

From: "Benedict, Kathryn" 
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 11:24:48 -0500

ACS DivCHAS Programming Notes
Philadelphia August 22-26, 2004

Symposium    Organizer

2004 Awards Symposium    D. Walters

RCRA and labs - New perspectives    R. Phifer
Co-sponsored w/ ACS Task Force on Laboratory Environmental Health & Safety

Poster session  - History of Chemical Safety    R. Pfeiffer
In conjunction with CHAS wine and cheese social

The Developing On - Line Course in Chemical Safety    G. Wahl

Teaching chemical safety- Issues for K-16 education    G. Wahl

Decontamination of chemical Facilities    N. Langerman/R. Lally

Chemical Safety Challenges in labs - Real life situations and
solutions    E. Talley
Co-sponsored with TECH

How good is your safety program? Building strong safety cultures    R. Hill

Safety Considerations for historic restorations    K. Benedict

Chemical safety management - the state of the art    J. Kapin

General Papers    K. Benedict

Philadelphia Deadlines
April 15th - End Hardcopy submissions
April 26th - End Online submissions
May 1st - End Symposium Organizer access
Submit abstracts

Ralph Stuart, CIH
Membership Committee Chair
Division of Chemical Health and Safety
American Chemical Society
List owner, DCHAS-L

fax: (802)656-5407

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