Pregnant or not, a number of legal cases and common sense state that we must reduce the level of contaminants. The use of fume hoods etc. are supposed to reduce the levels and if not we must increase the ventilation. If possible, can someone else assist her when exposure will be highest? Ray Campbell R.E.A. Environmental/Safety Manager Advanced Medical Optics 1700 E. St. Andrew M/S SA-2E Santa Ana, Ca. 92705 Raymond.Campbell**At_Symbol_Here** 714-247-8777 " It is important not to panic." John Walsh September 15, 2001 -----Original Message----- From: Regina Frasca [mailto:rfrasca**At_Symbol_Here**CSUSM.EDU] Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 3:51 PM To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU Subject: [DCHAS-L] Pregnanacy in labs Can you help me assist my colleague? I am sure this has already been discussed. Any direct comments on how the safety manager should proceed? _______________ Hi folks. I've got a question. We've got a veterinary surgeon who has recently become pregnant and has been advised by our contract OSHA physician to avoid Paraformaldehyde, Halothane, and all other organic chemicals used in the lab where she works. There is some question as to whether this is going a bit overboard. The result of this restriction will be that the employee loses her job during her pregancy and until she has stopped nursing. I'm curious what other colleges and universities do when a lab worker become pregnant? Are all of these lab workers losing their jobs? If not, how do you handle the exposure? Thanks much in advance for your input. Regina M. Frasca Cal State University San Marcos Director of Risk Management & Safety Work: 760-750-4502 Fax: 760-750-3208 rfrasca**At_Symbol_Here** RM&S: Contributing to a total learning environment by providing support, guidance, and leadership, which promotes safety and preserves the human and physical resources of the campus community. Finance & Administrative Services: Building excellence in service and resource management.
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